Saturday, June 14, 2008

dam marathon

well, scooter and i ran the dam marathon today... i a little tuckered out but have learned a valuable lesson in the ways of marathons. lesson learned? don't repeated splash the hand out watter on your chest... it will make your nipples chafe. so thats me in all my glory... nipple chaffage and all. and scott was giving me an incredible stare down just a few minutes earlier as i was taping my 'battle wounds'. good times.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bears oh my

Dave got lost by himself in the woods two days ago. When I got home from work he told me of his adventures in the woods and we discussed the need to buy some bear spray. As we discussed the topic, it became clear that we had been joined by a visitor on our front porch. A black bear was separating us from our front door. It was goofy looking, bow legged and quite mangey. We chased it off and decided that we should make an addition to that guy's movie who rides the moose on youtube and hug a bear.

I took fourteenth place in the anual 4 mile mud run. Not bad for having no idea where i was supposed to go. There is no path, just the mud flats when the tide goes out and streams up to your waist that you have to plunge through without loosing your shoes. Walmart velcro shoes got the job done yet again.

We met a mountain man on top of a mountain... named... mountain. He looks like a pirate captain and spends months at a time kye yack ing through southeastern alaska living off the land. Pretty nuts. We got his digits. I'll show you pictures.

much love from alaska

Friday, June 6, 2008

i found this freakin awsome pic today... i think all i can really say is dang.

well, its finally happened... i've ran too far. i had to get my toe nail removed the other day and i'll tell you what, for just a small sucka it sure snaggletoothed me good. i was all good till the anesthetic wore off leaving me incapacitated. today wasn't as bad as yesterday but i'm still carrying around a heavy limp. well i guess this should make for a good time next week in the marathon... giddy up suckas.