Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Copeland Monday Night in Salt Lake

Copeland is playing Monday in Salt Lake with Lovedrug, Lidia, and Lights. I've seen Lovedrug before (strangely I think with Copeland) and highly recommend. I'll be there with some associates from this southern state. Any and all who'd care to join are welcome to stay at my joint.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

i couldn't stop

so there i stood, in douglas smith's (andrew smith's younger bro) appartment when I eyed a rather interesting body design... hannah montana. ...i had to put it in the sexy spot.

Here are some recent highlights, the first being Hobbs, me, and a man whom we love named Tim. He changed our lives for the better, one breeze-in sandwich at a time.

Hobbs, here's to you my man. If we keep this catching of fish with bare hands up you are going to start looking like quite the mountain man. Peeps are starting to talk.

The last one was about 10 minutes after you dawgs left. Fun eh.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Latest in ADD

Hello my associates. Here are some pictures of Saturday morning's homecoming festivities. Enjoy. It's kind of like Where's Waldo. We shaved off over 5 minutes from last year's time. I attribute it to not having my lungs compressed by this year's gear.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


lame that wouldn't let me post a picture in the comment box, well here you go, scott larsen people

Monday, October 6, 2008

I Adopted a CAT! (and other updates)

Up until this past month I have hated cats. I thought they were meant only as a tool for old ladies to achieve a sense of love and fulfillment. Then when I moved this August into a neighborhood of Boise that is littered with unwanted felines, a stocky back cat made himself comfortable with the fact that we do not have screens on our windows, thus, anything that can fit through a 2'x2' hole in the wall can come and go as pleased.
This past week the cat, Jackson, came to the door with swollen leg and an inability to walk far without having to lay down. At this point I figured it was my duty as a democrat to get this animal taken care of.

It is important to pay attention to this next part if you are interested in getting your pet free health care.

I took Jackson to the vet, where they wanted to charge me a base fee of 69 bones to have him looked at. Now I don't have $69 to just be throwing around for any injured creature that lands on my door step, so I claimed Jackson as a stray with the condition that they would look at him and then release him to the humane society where he would have an unknown fate. Luckly I discovered I had a distant connection at the humane society here so I had her watch after Jackson (make sure he was not "put down"). A few days later I rolled in to the humane society to adopt Jackson after his wounds had been stitched up, neutered, and vaccinated. Now, however, I am a cat person for the next few years (how long do cats live anyway?)
Jackson (I know he's not a baby, but he's all that I've got):
Other than that, I was walking around campus the other day and there was a club fair going on where various clubs had tables out in an attempt to recruit members. I noticed that there was an empty table available so I went to the computer lab and printed off a bunch of flyers and made a poster, then when back to the table and set up the Beard of Ages Club. I feel like I was well received, generating more interest than any of the other clubs around me. A lot of people here seem to appreciate beards except for one guy from the German club who approached me and asked me what my club was going to do to give back to the school and was saying that he hated clubs like this that are just excuses to use the school's money to fund social events (note, this is not even an official club, obviously). I ended up getting a list of names/numbers/emails of people (male and female) who are interested in beards. I'm not sure what I want to do with this now...

Also, I have ventured back into the world of being in a relationship (no, not with a dude). It is going really well. Her name is Sarah. I think you all would like her a lot. No, I don't have plans to get married any time soon. Andy shall remain lit.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Some pics of the desert! Enjoy!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Pics of Kyler

Hey bros! Thought I would post up some pics of my son since you most of you probably haven't seen him yet? The pics are from when I was on leave in August I got some more new pics Ill be puttin up soon. Hope to see you guys in the near future! Later!