Monday, September 28, 2009


friends, as most of you know, i am in moscow (not russia) idaho. for the past few weeks i've been eyeing a pair of 'road closed' signs laying abandoned on the side of an old road. last friday night i decided to do something about that. since all of my friends were too waisted to bring with i had to solo-op this mission. around midnight-midnight thirty i found myself carrying these signs a mile and a half or so throughout neighborhoods doin my best to avoid detection from the police. after some deal of time i eventually arrived at my intended drop zone... consisting of a divided street on an upward curved hill. i deployed a sign and sat back in bushes to watch. sure enough, cars soon came and sure enough, they were confused out of their mind. before i knew it i had a mini traffic jam at 1am. because of the largness of the divide people couldn't get around and eventually had to back out a long long way. some people were smart and just moved the sign... .. but they soon proved wern't that smart because they moved it back into place after they got past. one of which person who obviously felt accomplished for getting around the sign boasted 'thats how we do it where i'm from' and proceeded to get back in his minivan. at one time, a late night runner saw through the plot however and felt the need to move the sign out of the road... not to worry for a couple of drunk students soon walked by and upon seeing the sign thought it would be funny to put the sign in the road. as chance would have it they ended up placing the sign at the exact time a car was turning up the road and got caught. in confusion they pushed the sign to the side and scrambled. jokes on them. before i left for the night i moved the sign back onto the road and proceeded home. as of now the sign has been moved off to the side of the road but i do not doubt that many others fell victim to the trap. that is all.