Saturday, May 8, 2010

J-Hal, you are not alone

last night was one of my more interesting nights in moscow. i have a friend here who when he drinks too much suffers from extreme 'night terrors'. if you wish to know what a night terror is, think of jason when he used to pass out. exactly like it except this kind is inspired by booze. anyway, because my friend was REAlly drunk i knew what was coming so i slept on the couch.

sure enough, around 3 in the morning i hear him running down the hall and into the kitchen. as he did so i bolted in hot pursuit. by the time i got to the kitchen he ran out the back door and as i was about to exit the house i hear an explosion of glass. yes, he punched a window, breaking it and cutting up his hand. i got him away from the glass, tackled him, and pinned him to the ground until he woke up. we calmed him down and everyone went back to bed.

6am. my friend was sleeping on the couch next to me. i woke up to him violently convulsing. as i'm about to pin him to the ground again he stops, promises me he's awake, and begins walking away. now, i wasn't sure if he was or wasn't.. so i followed him.. and he was definitely not awake. as i turned the corner he dropped to the floor and began pounding the floor over and over with his now cut up hand. again, i pin him to the ground for a few minutes until he woke up.

7am. i wake up to him sprinting past me down the hall. i was sleeping pretty deep at this point and it took me a second to give chase. i ran down the hall and found him (we'll say friend A) in my other friend's room, on top of my friend (we'll say friend B), just slapping him in the face. now, friend B has been really annoying and questionable lately so i just sat back and watched for a bit.. just making sure no one got seriously hurt. suddenly friend A gets up, and tries to run back down the hall past me. as he tried i shoulder checked him into the wall and pinned him again. after a few minutes i coulda sworen he was awake so i let him up. .. .. very much still sleeping cause he turned and punched a hole in the wall. this time when i pinned him he fought and fought hard but i kept him pinned.. barley. by this time everyone else in the house was awake. i passed the job of guarding against night terrors to them.. and i went to sleep.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Poop Script seems dead

I hope Poop Script sill lives