Being that I've spent almost every waking moment doing calculus for the last 5 days, I just wanted to make sure that you who have more exciting lives this week were all aware that it is pi day. May math nerds everywhere celebrate with caution.
Andy check your email
I honestly think that this might be the greatest post that Poop Script has and will ever see.
I just noticed that for some reason Albert Einstien is in the clouds in the picture. What do you make of that?
dusty, kind of went a little overboard. I know you were trying to bring it back around to funny, but....yeah.
No Matt, overboard would have been all 1,000,000 digits that were available. I think I only put about 1/3 of them.
Dusty, this question isn't sarcastic like all my other ones but isn't pi infinite? Maybe not infinite but i thought there were more digits than 1,000,000 or was that just an estimate. Give me the facts.
The fact is, I think it is infinite, but the website that I copied and pasted from only offered the first 1,000,000 digits. Being that I am not one of those geniuses who memorize phone books and things like that, I only had 1,000,000 digits to work with. Those are the facts.
Also, Happy Birthday Scooter
Also, Congrats Mark on your purchase of a cellular telephone
Also, Mark, scrolling down the blog now reminds me of you with your mullet programming numerical visiual spectacles into your graphing calculator in Mrs. Beans class. Happy thoughts.
i hate math and people who enjoy it... yes it could be that i just dont understand but then again i dont want to. go ahead call me a biget but i dont care
habbs, you're a bigot.
dustin... i completely forgot till now. thanks for returning a portion of life to me. heres to mrs. bean's class and sleeping in the corner... and running over cats.
cheers to that mark, cheers to that.
Hey does anyone else think that the artist who painted the pi picture also does all the art for the Jehovah's Witnesses pamphlets?
Sorry Dusty, I got tired of scrolling.
man those pamphlets are wierd
yeah, i second andy's decision... no offense to ya dustin
Don't bother complementing any more of my posts Andy.
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