Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednsday: Wedding Day

What's this? I'm engaged. Go on, have your fun and make some cynical comment. But it is true, On August 29th we will be hitched. Here is some good news to help you feel comfort in this decision: She is a Bonneville Bee. She is a good friend of Tyler Roe's wife. She likes the poops and supports me in my poopdum. She actually likes me! So if that is not enough information to sway your vote, then I don't know what to do... anyway, just thought you all should know...


Andyfish said...

Oh wow....

Congratulations Jason. I need to meet this girl I guess.

J-Hal said...

Sorry if that shocked you Andy, and whoever else may have read this. . .

Matthew said...

I wasn't shocked at all. I've been assuming this would happen since the fifth grade.

ALI said...

congrats that is so exciting! she looks like a way cute girl well at least from what I could tell on facebook! And if she can marry a poop she must be freakin cool!

Andyfish said...

I checked with my mom and she approved.
The wedding shall go on.

Dusty said...

Eternity Jason. Eternity.

J-Hal said...

yeah, she likes the poops AND Andy's mom was her 8th grade reading teacher so that is awesome. AND she played softball. Yeah, I love her. and she is adorable, ali. just adorable

Jeris and Suzanna Hobbs said...

She looks familier. I think Andrew made out with her at the Civil War (the year after he graduated). Anyway she seemed cool then, I'm sure she is still cool.