Saturday, October 4, 2008


Some pics of the desert! Enjoy!


Matthew said...

I don't know if people tell you this, but i really appreciate what you do. Thanks.

merk said...

i miss you seth

HABBS said...

here is to Seth who has proven his Indian bravery. i make jokes so i dont sound gay.. but i love you seth and thank you

Matthew said...

did i sound gay?

HABBS said...

no you sound mature... and a little gay

Matthew said...

not that there is anything wrong with gayness.

Dusty said...

yes there is, depending on which definition you are refering to.

Andyfish said...

I don't see anything wrong with being happy...

...or dudes liking dudes.

HABBS said...

well andyfish makes a very key observation that there is nothing wrong with being happy...however dudes liking dudes is often looked down upon on some cultures, maybe even considered immoral and i think, (now sometimes my opinions are far to one side i understand) now i again i think it is looked at that way because it is wrong nothing should go into you butt!...

the statements made here are personal opinion of one sir andrew hobbs and cannot include all beliefs of participants of poopscript... this has been paid for by the "not that there is anything wrong with experimenting at college" foundation

Andyfish said...

I am a dirty democrat after all...

The point is: Thanks Seth. Looks like you are doing well. I would be terrified to do whatever it is you do over there, nor should I ever be alowed to hold a gun.

Dusty said...

can you just be a democrat, and not a "dirty" democrat after hobbs last statement?

Matthew said...

speaking of people who shouldn't be allowed to own guns, i think i'm going to buy a shotgun pretty soon. a mosburg 500 or something like that. I don't think letting people choose how they live their lives is wrong. besides who here hasn't either taken a supository for fun, or watched someone take a supository for fun? sorry for what your post has become, seth.