Friday, October 3, 2008

Pics of Kyler

Hey bros! Thought I would post up some pics of my son since you most of you probably haven't seen him yet? The pics are from when I was on leave in August I got some more new pics Ill be puttin up soon. Hope to see you guys in the near future! Later!


merk said...

it still blows my mind that you have a kid

Dusty said...

Seth, you have proven your indian bravery. I look forward to the day when Kyler will be old enough to jump the McDonald's mansion fence and brave the guard dogs in order to begin proving his indian bravery aswell. Did you give him an indian name yet? You should.

Rainbow Hawk said...

Yea his name is Mitshko. It means Rascal in Cheyenne.

Dusty said...

I am so pleased.

HABBS said...

now the question that is on everyones mind is how can we turn that into a somewhat humorous and feminine name...were all thinking it im just saying it.. have a good one rainbow hawk whoo yah