Tuesday, October 7, 2008


lame that wouldn't let me post a picture in the comment box, well here you go, scott larsen people


merk said...

back in 7th grade my dear mother accidently buzzed my hair, a dreadful day. knowing my bald head bobbled clumsily on my scrawny shoulders i quietly slipped down the hall to mr. christenson's class, trying my best not to be noticed. then it came. "hey mark, what do you have leukemia or something," scoffed the one and only scott larsen(son?). my only defense, "yes," i softly muttered as i looked away.
Scott's eyes grew in shear terror for what he just said. turning to find substance to my claim, scott looked to colby coombs for support. nodding his head in the affirmative, colby backed my claim. scott eyes continued to grow to the size of dinner plates. "sorry," he stammered and walked off.

last night we finished our last ultimate frisbee game of the season. my team finished last place (mostly due to the fact that half the team shows up either drunk or high... i love moscow... on the other hand one of the main players, who shall remain unnamed, throws 1000 times better when he's high). as half time rolled around the score favored the opposing team. knowing i had nothing to loose i sprinted to the bathroom, changing quickly. beginning the 2nd half, my team and i stormed the field, but shortly into the first play clothes flew and project x unveiled himself to the public. sliding without friction on the fake turf, the suit glided endless times across the surface and into the endzone, almost turning the game.

due to the recent proven success of project x in the field of sports medicine, members of my hall are now looking into the plentiful possibilities of colorful spandex on ebay. time will only tell what comes of this, maybe good, maybe bad.

Andyfish said...

Poop Script is over.

Drexton wins.

ALI said...

One day in third grade scott larsen had a crush on me so he gave me a ring to prove his love. Then I threw it in the garbage in front of him.
The End

Matthew said...

what a bitch.

Matthew said...

scott larsen, not you ali.

HABBS said...

i like how this crush was just one day

ALI said...

Yeah well how long would you have a crush on a girl who shot you down like that. And please don't judge me matt cuz i was in third grade remember.

D-rex said...

ha ha you are asking the right person on that question allison. an excellent question by the way, how long can you have a crush on a girl after they shot you down (multiple X) andrew why don't you answer that question for us.

merk said...

ouch drexton... ouch. why don't you stab a man in the face with a fire poker?

Matthew said...

mark, why would anyone do that? That's really sick.

HABBS said...

i am impressed on observations made by one drexton young... however i don't think he would appreciate us investigating further into his life on certain miss truths that his mother,father,family...wife would be displeased with this new info

*star said...
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Dusty said...

None of us will ever be able to run for political office.