Monday, April 6, 2009

Dear Idaho Falls

I will be in you tonight through Wednesday afternoon.


HABBS said...

andy what did you mean by "in you" in your post

merk said...

i still don't know what he means... but i like it.

Matthew said...

hmmmmm. i like it.

J-Hal said...

I like it the most out of all of you and I'll do whatever I have to in order to prove it.

Dusty said...

You would Andy.

merk said...

really Jason, reallY? i hope you're willing to fly through the sun on a white water buffalo.. cause i'll take it that far

Matthew said...

let the games begin!!!

Dusty said...

Mark, would you be willing to eat a pint of maionaise?

J-Hal said...

Perhaps Mark. Perhaps I might. And perhaps I might be willing to skin that white water buffalo and use the skin to wrap up cold babies in communist countries. And perhaps I might be willing to save those babies from communists. And perhaps I might be willing to free those babies by putting them in baskets in the ocean waters hoping a sailor or something like that will find them. And perhaps by so doing I will change the lives of thousands through just one baby. Perhaps Mark. And would I ask for anything in return? No. I would consider it a duty and an honor to cast cold babies out on the ocean in small wicker baskets so they would not experience communism. Would I be a hero? Perhaps. Would I hope for fame and glory? Certainly not.
I think you all could learn something from me.

Matthew said...

point, Jason.

merk said...

and perhaps Jason, I would do all of that... twice.

Matthew said...

1/2 point, Mark (i was expecting a one up, that wasn't that impressive, although to see you do that twice would be)

merk said...

i was indeed thinking that i should put forth the time and energy to throw down the one-up... but me being a lazy person decided that by doing 200% of Jason's plan I would convey the message I planned to send but in less words. So not only did I out do Jason by work, but I did it without working. That makes me an efficient/better person.

Matthew said...

also, that makes you an idea stealer.