Saturday, September 11, 2010

I miss us

We just had some friends over and we got on the topic of high school. I bragged about how cool all my friends were and even boasted that we have a blog that we use to stay in touch. I showed them but then realized that no one has said anything for a while. It made me feel disappointed in you guys. I mean, how can I brag about you if you don't deserve it? (I hope you are picking up the sarcasm here and know that I could never be disappointed in you ... unless you voted for Barack Obama of course) Here is an update on my life:

I'm tired of working at Evergreen Services, Inc. Ten years has yielded basically the same experiences over and over. I want something that is more exciting and offers a high degree of unpredictability. All I really want to do is file people's taxes.

I'm currently studying for LSAT ... for those of you who aren't as smart as me, that is the Law School Admissions Test (I think). I'm going to be Scott's dad when I grow up.

Hopefully everyone still has access to the Internet (did you know that Internet is generally capitalized when referring to "the" "Internet"? It's a proper noun. Look it up. On the Internet.). If you have lost your Internet connection, try to think of some other way to communicate with each other. But not by phone, because phone conversations can get incredibly awkward.

I miss and love you all. Thanks for being friends who deserve to be bragged about.


merk said...

J-Hal, if you're looking for unpredictability I would suggest working at Star West Satellite... but don't. I'm sitting in a hotel room right now with nothing to do. I was thinking of getting some hookers, but chances are, in a town like pinedale they're more than likely to be men.

but jason my friend, the blog is never dead, only dormant. all we need is a reminder from time to time of who we are and what our mission is. i'm not sure what that is... it wasn't my job in the group to remember.. my job was jumping off of houses into pine trees.

merk said...

who the eff! the blog is soiled