Sunday, May 11, 2008

To all mothers......and Andy.

I would just like to publicly give thanks to all the mothers of the world......and Andy, for hasn't he been a "mother" to us all. Have we all not suckled his teet? Has he not picked all of us up when we scraped our knees? Has he not been the comforter in our sea of troubles? The answer is a resounding yes. So Andy, this is your day. Do what you want. Take a bubble bath. Light some candles. I sent you a mothers day gift in the mail, but you know how unreliable the mail system is these days. You might never get it. Just know that the cash value is about $23.78, and it's nothing sexual........maybe.


merk said...

here here to andyfish the hustle in us all. on a different note project x for the first time invaded the rexburg with all the strength of a raging fire. imagine those well lit up playing fields on the way up to the temple at night; no one else on the field except for body suit man breakdancing his heart out... it was good.

Andyfish said...

Thanks for the appreciation Matty. I haven't been around the script for a while because I couldn't remember my password and was too lazy to get a new one. I'm good now though.

Andyfish said...

Also, "The Gang" should be arriving to the script shortly.