Monday, August 18, 2008

holy cow are you seeing this

hello world... i am a little worried to here that matt has a new blog! I would like you to know that i am doing pretty well i think about letting my friends move on, but if you start doing it on purpose i am gonna lose it! On to greater news Micheal Phelps has played an important role i think in all our lives, i think its pretty amazing but sadly you know you are beginning to emulate and idolize someone way to much when you think they look like people. I mean c'mon it can't just be me, right?


HABBS said...

hey i just noticed i spelled hear the wrong way.

merk said...

well i actually think he looks kinda like thomas' cousin taylor. sorry bud.

Dusty said...

If mark were crossed with a Baker we'd have Phelps' clone