I figure since we have this blog we might as well use it to learn something. Today we are going to venture into the world of bamboo. Here are the facts:
-Bamboo's tensile strength is 28,000 psi, compared to 23,000 psi of steel and has a weight-to-strength ratio surpassing that of graphite.
-Nearly all the scaffolding used in Hong Kong is bamboo.
-Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on Earth. Some species have actually been measured to grow over 4 feet in 24 hours. A pole of bamboo can regenerate to its full mass in just six months!
-Bamboo survived the atomic bomb at Hiroshima and provided the first re-greening after the blast.
-Bamboo provides income, food, and housing to over 2.2 billion people worldwide.
-Its stands release 35% more oxygen than equivalent stands of trees.
-It is believed that if bamboo were planted on a mass basis it could completely reverse the effects of global warming in just 6 years, and provide a renewable source of food, building material, and erosion prevention. HOLLY CRAP!!! Imagine the mayhem that would commence if the hippies got a hold of this information.
I foresee a future where all things are made of bamboo. Buildings, weapons, children, EVERYTHING.
Also, check out these awesome bamboo frame bikes:Now tell me your life hasn't been changed forever.
my life hasn't been changed forever
But you know a crap ton about bamboo now!@!@!@!
i already knew a crap ton about bamboo... but you know what, my life has been changed. further knowledge, when superheated or set aflame bamboo explodes due to the air pockets inside. Causing flaming bamboo to rain on everything around it, this has been proven on countless times a bad thing.
Mark, that's a false statement. You may have witnessed an isolated incident.
ps - maximum pulp rules.
dear matt
why don't you go freakin die.
-love mark
In next week's installment I will be giving a tutorial on how to install a toilet.
P.S. I am not really going to give a tutorial on how to install a toilet.
Could you give us a tutorial on how to blow one up?
Yeah, it's easy...be a dumb ass. Then go by a $900 toilet. Sorry Andy.
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