Friday, March 21, 2008

How to create a life size version of yourself out of tape

I had to make a full size tape sculpture of myself for an art class. This is how it went down.

Start with the legs - Saran wrap, then tape:Repeat with the other leg, then tape together:
Strike a pose and tape the upper body (you'll need help):
Cut off upper body tape:

Move on to the head (remember to cut hole for mouth):

Assembly pieces:
Come alive:


merk said...

i submit(though time consuming) making an entire army of tape sculptures... andy, i fear there is more of this to come

Dusty said...

That is amazing. Is it plyable? Possible clay-mation?

HABBS said...

hands down your are my king and i will follow thee, to the worlds end

J-Hal said...

Wow, extremely impressive my good man! I wonder what Miss Denny the art teacher at Sandcreek would say about it. Probably very good things

Sheb and Ali said...

That is amazing! Mark are you coming back to Utah State? and courtney and mandi say hi!

merk said...

probably not, but i am headin down that way this weekend I think.

Jeris and Suzanna Hobbs said...

Andy I have to admit, that was way rad. Keep up the good work.

Word Verification Blows! TYF