Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Squirrel Relocator

Dear associates,

I recall hearing that some of you who live/lived in Pocatello have had some strange interactions with squirrels. I found this one entertaining.

or just search squirrel relocator.


Dusty said...

I walked into my first film class of my actual minor and was handed a $2,500+ camera and a tape and told to go make a movie in the next 30 minutes. We meet in a group of 15 students in a lab full of the most up to date Mac's possible. I wish you were here to share the feelings of a giddy school girl with me. It's nice to finally see my tuition at work.

Any new adventures with the house exploration?

Matthew said...

speaking of getting with the times, Dusty, that video is so last year, or at least so early spring.

Dusty said...

Well, excuse me Matt. I must have missed that one while I was busy conquering the last frontier. I'll set my priorities straight next time.