Friday, February 15, 2008

Just wanted everyone to know who the real manaquin head is. A free spirited mountaineer.


Andyfish said...

Good one Dusty.
I believe that this blog has turned into a piece of conceptual art that no one will recognize until we are all dead. Discuss.

Also, Matt, do you honestly expect me to believe there are that many people who actually like to drink pulp?

Matthew said...

Maximum pulpers of the wolrd....unite against the gay minimum or no pulpers. This is an organization i'm starting MPOTWUATMONP. You'll all be sorry.

Dusty said...

Alaska Job Andy? What's the word? With Alaska I should be getting close to having enough pictures of the maniquin head in obscure locations to complete the 12 month calendar.

Andyfish said...

I still haven't heard back from them. I was going to call them today but I spaced it.
Remember when You, Mark, and I took a bunch of pictures in downtown SLC? What ever happened to those?

Dusty said...

they are on my old computer. Its just a matter of hookin up a monitor and deporting those suckers.